Monday, October 7, 2013

An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

New York Apple Country Applesauce PhotoRecently, I went to an food and travel expo called "The 3rd Annual Escapemaker's Local Food and Travel Expo" held at Brooklyn's borough hall, where I received a lot of interesting information which I would like to feature on my blog.  First up is some Apple facts and information courtesy of The NY Apple Association (  I love Apples, so I am so excited to share all about the Apples that grow in New York State.

Include an apple in every meal: 
BREAKFAST - Apple slices in oatmeal
LUNCH - Apple slices on a peanut butter sandwich
SNACK - Apple slices and low-fat cheese
DINNER - Apple chucks, walnut and mixed greens tossed in a light, vinaigrette dressing  

Some NY State Apples include: 


It's no coincidence that apples are the symbol of good health. In the Middle Ages, the English said "To eat an apple before going to bed/Will make the doctor beg his bread." We now know that there's a sound basis for the familiar "apple a day" rhyme. Take a look at the nutritional benefits of a medium size Apple Country® apple.It's no coincidence that apples are the symbol of good health. In the Middle Ages, the English said "To eat an apple before going to bed/Will make the doctor beg his bread." We now know that there's a sound basis for the familiar "apple a day" rhyme. Take a look at the nutritional benefits of a medium size Apple Country® apple.

1. Apples are an excellent source of dietary fiber that can help keep your heart healthy.

2. Eating apples regularly may help reduce your risk of some types of cancer.

3. Apples may help increase brain activity to improve memory and learning while helping to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's.

4. Apples contain no fat, sodium or cholesterol.  Eating three a day may help control weight.

5. Fiber and Phytonutrients in apples may help reduce the risk of lung, colon and prostate cancers.

6. According to the USDA, eating apple should be an essential part of your daily diet to maintain good health.

Apples Recommended for usage in Pies: 
McIntosh, Crispin, Jonagold, Golden Delicious

Apples Recommended for usage in Salads:
Empire, Honeycrisp, Gala, Cortland

Apple Recommended for usage in Sauce: 
McIntosh, Crispin, Jonagold, Red Rome


Recipes with Apples

New York Apple Smoothie

1 cup applesauce                        1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 cup apple cider                        1 apple wedge
1 cup vanilla non-fat yogurt         cinnamon
1 cup crushed ice

Mix all ingredients (except apple wedge and cinnamon) in a blender and serve immediately.  Sprinkle cinnamon on top and put an apple wedge on the edge of the glass

For more recipes check out the Apple Association Website:

There are many varieties of Apples, I love them all... But what is my favorite? I particularly like the McIntosh, Macoun, and Empire variety. What about you? Do you have a favorite? Go apple picking or just to your local supermarket and discover all the varieties of apples that are waiting for you. And Till next time, To good food and good health!

Your Foodie friend and local Dietitian/Nutritionist Jenny

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